Uniformed inspectors are often responsible for supervising a duty shift made up of constables and sergeants, or act in specialist roles such as supervising road traffic policing. The rank is mostly operational, meaning that inspectors are directly concerned with day-to-day policing. It is senior to that of sergeant, but junior to that of chief inspector. Within the British police, inspector is the second supervisory rank. It is senior to that of Constable but junior to that of Inspector. Within British police, Sergeant is the first of the supervisory ranks. Constables in the MET or other London branches also have London weighting so officers on the PCDA route have a starting salary of £30k rising to £33k after completion of the degree. In Scotland, the starting salary is £26,037, rising to £40,878, but after ten, not eight, years in service. Within Greater London's Metropolitan Police, all constables and sergeants display a divisional call sign, as well as an individual number.Ĭonstables other than in Scotland start at between £30,880 and £24,117, with an upper limit of £40,128 after about seven years. Constables wear epaulette attached to the uniform, displaying their collar number (also called a shoulder number). Upon successful completion, constables can remain at their current rank, specialize in criminal investigations or one of many other specialist units, or apply for promotion to sergeant, the first supervisory rank. Upon being sworn in, each officer starts at the rank of constable and is required to undergo a two-year probationary period. Within the British Police, all police officers are sworn in as and hold the basic powers of a constable. Constable is the first rank, one rank below a sergeant and five ranks below chief superintendent in all UK police forces.